Dirt Bikes are a fun toy for 7-year-old kids, but what size of a dirt bike is the best for a 7-year-old kid? I did some research and I found some great models of dirt bikes that are perfect for 7-year-old kids.
So, what is the best dirt bike size for 7-year-old kids? Normally the best size dirt bike for a 7-year-old child is a 50cc dirt bike. Although, if your 7-year-old is big for their age you may need to start with a 90cc dirt bike.
There are a lot of different makes and models of dirt bikes some are really great while some are just okay. Dirt bikes are a fun way for your child to get outside and experience new things. The sizing and accessories needed for your child to successfully start dirt biking are talked about later in the article.
What is the Best Size of a Dirt Bike for 7-Year-Old Kids?
When getting anything for your 7-year-old child you always want to make sure that it is the right size. Nothing sucks worse than getting home and realizing you bought the wrong size pants for your 7-year-old.
The same principle works with dirt bikes. You want to make sure that you got the right sized dirt bike for a 7-year-old so that they can fit on it, control it, and be able to balance it.
If you start out with a dirt bike that is to big your 7-year-old may not be able to control the bike. If you start out with a dirt bike that is too small it can be uncomfortable for your child.
Most 7-year-old kids will fit perfectly fine on a 50cc dirt bike. Because it is small and lightweight they should have no problems controlling the bike, staying balanced, and fitting on it correctly.
Some 7-year-old kids grow faster than others and so you might find that a 50cc bike isn’t quite big enough for your kid. If that is the case normally moving up in size to a 90cc dirt bike should fix the problem and fit your kid.
How Does Dirt Bike Sizing Work?
When I first heard talk about dirt bikes I assumed that that would be measured in a similar way to pedal bikes that are measured by wheel sizes. Dirt bikes though are actually measured by the size of the engine that is on the dirt bike. The bigger the engine the bigger the bike needs to be.
An important hint to remember when buying a dirt bike is that you want your child to be able to grow into it a bit so that you aren’t replacing their dirt bike every year.
A great way to determine this is to get a bike that allows your 7-year-old to touch the ground on both sides of the bike with just their toes and the balls of their feet.
That way your 7-year-old doesn’t feel to intimidated by the bike and yet you don’t have to worry as a parent that you are going to replace this bike the very next year.
Even if your 7-year-old feels a little bit more comfortable on the bike when both of their feet are flat it will be better in the long run to get one that is a little bit bigger so the have some wiggle room.
Within the sizing chart of dirt bike engines you can also get different sized seats for your 7-year-olds dirt bike. If you need a smaller seat and cant find one removing the padding out of the seat usually helps.
If you need the seat to be higher getting a taller seat is a simple solution to the problem. They tend to be easy to find and can be purchased in stores or also online in stores like Amazon.
What are the Safety Rules for 7-Year-Old Kids Driving Dirt Bikes?
Dirt biking is a fun activity for 7-year-olds and can be a great activity for families as well. But just like any sport or out door activity it comes with its dangers and risks.
Sadly most activities in life come with risks of being hurt but some have higher risks than others. Because dirt biking comes with different risks than painting would it is important to follow safety rules when dirt biking.
I did a lot of research and found some basic rules that help young dirk bikers stay safe while riding.
Tip #1 Wear Safety Gear ALL THE TIME
It is important that everybody who dirt bikes but especially 7-year-old kids are wearing their safety gear all of the time. This gear is made and should be worn so that kids are protected while riding and in case of an accident.
When I started learning how to ride my bicycle my parents, like most parents, always made sure that I was wearing my knee pads, elbow pads, and a helmet.
When I started getting good at riding and my parents weren’t as worried for me any more they, like most parents, stopped paying attention as to whether or not I had all my gear on.
A couple months later I had a pretty bad crash and cut my head up, but it was just a bicycle accident so it wasn’t that bad. Crashing on a dirt bike can be very bad.
That is why it is SO important that every time your 7-year-old goes out to ride they are wearing all of their safety gear. Because as the great saying goes…
It is better to be safe than sorry.
Tip #2 Ride On Dirt Roads
Another great tip is to ride on dirt roads instead of asphalt. That way if your kid does end up tipping over or skidding their bike they will be a lot safer and well protected.
This also applies to riding on roads that are frequently used by cars. This isn’t a necessity, but it definitely can add to the protection of your child while they are off riding so that they lose the risk of running into cars.
Tip #3 Choosing a Dirt Bike that is the Correct Size
One of the best ways to make sure that your kid is staying safe is to make sure that they have the proper sized dirt bike. Getting a dirt bike that is to big for them can make it hard for them to control their movements and can scare them.
Getting a dirt bike that is to small can make it difficult to maneuver properly and could lead to your child getting hurt. Normally though kids can feel the right size and can help in that decision.
Tip #4 Teach Them to Turn in an Open Field
A really helpful way to make sure your 7-year-old is going to be safe when riding their dirt bikes around is by starting them out in an open field so that they can learn how to turn properly.
If you teach your 7-year-old one fundamental lesson each trip they will be able to learn how to dirt bike safely and have fun at the same time. Teaching the basics slowly is great.
Tip #5 Help Them to Stay Calm
No matter what dirt biking should be a fun experience so helping your kids view all of these rules as fun will be a great way to keep them from getting frustrated and helping them have a great experience.
What Accessories do 7-Year-Old Kids Need When Riding Their Dirt Bikes?
In order to keep your kids safe you need to keep them well protected. I have a list below of some must have safety gear for your 7-year-old dirt biker with a link to where you can buy them.
Related Questions
Where can I go to get a dirt bike for my 7-year-old? There are a lot of really great places to get dirt bikes from, three different stores that you can use are Moto Sport, Power Sport Max, and Amazon.